Sharing is caring. At Evertrue Solutions, we provide FREE relevant and simple resources to help you run your small business better.
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Free Online Small Business Workshops
Evertrue Solutions offers free online workshops each month to assist new and existing small business owners through a range of common challenges. These workshops are a great opportunity to build your knowledge and skills, and are designed to be relevant to the small business owner who’s trying to make a positive impact, and navigate the world of business when your passion is something other than spreadsheets and reports. You just want to make a living doing what you love.
The Zoom link and worksheet will be emailed to you 1 hour before the presentation.
The next workshop is:

Wednesday 18th September 2024 – 12:00pm AWST (GMT+8)
Tuesday 24th September 2024 – 5:00am AWST (GST+8)
Wednesday 25th September 2024 – 8:00pm AWST (GMT+8)
When business is turbulent and bumpy, there is chaos and overwhelm and stress. Learn the only 4 strategies you need to smooth out the bumps, and work towards a business that runs like clockwork – where all the cogs of systems, accounts, management and marketing come to work together in harmony.
In this live event, join Bronwyn Chompff-Gliddon to learn how to apply these strategies to your business, and use the worksheet as a reference for later on too.
Wheel of Life Self Assessment
Use this template to carry out your self-assessment on all areas of your life to identify areas that could be improved, to further enhance and bring balance to your life experience. Complete your details here for instant access to the online document.

Motivation Kick-Start Prompter Card

Use 2 tools in 1 to work through the challenges you face in maintaining the motivation to achieve your goals. The Prompter Card reminds you of how your goals connect with your core values, and the Kick-Start activities can be used to fight off procrastination.
Sustainability Assessment Template
Watch this 60 minute tutorial on how to complete your Sustainability Assessment
Use this template to begin your journey of improving the impact of your business on the environment.
Download this free Word Document and start today to see where you can make small changes. When we all work together, the collective impact will change the world for the better.
Provide your details here to receive an instant download as a word doc:
Unforgettable Customer Experience Pattern Template

The Customer Experience is a fundamental topic that every single business must pay premium attention to, because if you don’t have customers, you don’t have a business.
When we talk about customer experience, you could picture a retail setting, with a friendly and helpful sales assistant making you feel like a VIP as they offer the perfect solution to the problem you needed help with. Oh, how we miss those days of good, proper customer service! (but that’s a whole other story…)
Enter your details here to receive a free instant download as a docx file to create your own Unforgettable Customer Experience Pattern
STRUCTURE vs Flexibility Schedule
To harness the power of both structure and flexibility in your day-to-day time management, we first build the structure, but we do it with enough wiggle-room for flexibility. Everyone’s circumstances will be unique, but there are elements for this process that are universal

Costing and Pricing Projection

Running a business doing what you love can sometimes make pricing difficult. You want to offer great value, but not at the cost of your own family’s welfare.
Use this costing and pricing projection to determine the income you need to make to cover your personal and business expenses, and establish a pattern of sustainable financial management.
This calculator has been designed for a sole-trader in Australia, charging an hourly rate. For any other business type, including product-based, Pty Ltd, please get in touch for your free calculator spreadsheet.
Cashflow Projection
When you approach the edge of your cashflow availability, the magic starts to happen as you get creative and explore the actions you need to take to ensure your business financial stability. Use this Cashflow Projection to help track your budget, and work towards a 1-month buffer zone to give you peace of mind.

Make Tough Decisions with Confidence and Clarity

Use this worksheet to explore and unpack a tough decision you’ve got to make. See if this exercise can give you confidence and clarity to move forward and make the right changes.